The vaults are insufferably damp.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Frequency Counter Assembled

My frequency counter kit arrived today from The board wasn't exactly as described on but it was easy to put together. I put a red LED from my stock on it instead of the supplied green LED. I connected it to my USB hub, tweaked the LCD contrast, and there it was: 0 hz.

The circuit board was nicely done. When they added a USB miniB SMT connector they crowded the LCD contrast control against the 6 pin ICSP connector, but it looks like it will still work. The ICSP header wasn't included in the kit, so I added one, again from stock.

I want to build some radio frequency circuits, so hopefully this will help me tune them up. I'll probably add a divide-by-ten front end to it and some signal conditioning. The kit claims to work to 2MHz or higher. If I can get it up to 30 MHz with a prescaler I think it will suit me fine.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Soccer and Bowling

We went to William's last soccer game for the season, but the other team didn't show. So it was Parents and other family members versus the Blue Strikers. I played about 30 minutes. It was a fun game.

Then Ellen needed a couple of bowling games for her PE class, so I took Sarah and Ellen and we all bowled two games. I had the high score for the second game.

I'm not used to this much fun on weekends. Sunday I was tired and sore. But I got all kinds of wii fit credit now!
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